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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 483
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022There is no ‘I’ in identity : a dialogic, social and discursive exploration of professional identity within inter-agency interactionsRichardson, Hannah
2022What links an eight-year old’s ‘journey to the moon’ and a law student going to court for their client? : orchestrating experiences conducive to student learning in a law clinicHall, Jonathan Richard
2022‘Parents as Partners’: Perspectives on the Important Elements of Family-School Partnerships for Children with Special Educational Needs and/or DisabilitiesHolmes, Ryan James
2022A qualitative exploration of the experiences of parents, who speak English as an additional language, and school staff in their communication togetherDyson, Priya Anand
2022Investigating the impact of flipped learning on computer science students’ achievements, motivation, engagement, and learning autonomy in Saudi Arabia high schoolsAlwaqdani, Mohammed Salem
2022Acoustic cues in production of English vowels by Hijazi Arabic learnersAlmurashi, Wael Abdulrahman O
2020An investigation into the impact of extensive reading activities on the development of EFL learners’ speaking competencies : a quasi-experimental study of Saudi university studentsAlmashy, Abduh A M
2022Exploring the impact of extended services on academic achievement for primary school pupils in povertyPattison, Louise
2022Hierarchical timing in varieties of Kuwaiti ArabicGhadanfari, Saleh
2022Untold Stories: Parents’ Experiences of Young People Reintegrating from Alternative Provision to Mainstream EducationSteels, Rebecca
2022Reducing exclusion from secondary schools : the role of teacher efficacy and student-teacher relationshipsDean, Rebecca Louise
2022Development of identity for learning and teaching in online masters coursesClapp, Alison Mary
2022Exploring secondary students’ wellbeing : how relationships and contextual factors influence wellbeingBurt, Clare
2022L2 Motivational self system and L2 writing anxiety among female English language majors in SaudiI ArabiaAlhayek, Ahlem Mohammed S
2020Content and Language Integrated Learning in the pathway sector : developing teacher language awareness through reflective practiceStrigel, Sandra
2022Voicing Contrast in Najdi Arabic Stops: Implications for Laryngeal RealismAl-Gamdi, Nief Aied
2020Designing my learning: Establishing my practice as an educational brokerSarangapani, Vidya
2021The future of learning: implementation of SOLE in a Saudi primary schoolOtain, Fatma
2022The application and impact of a public health intervention supported by a speech and language therapist in the early years foundation stageHope, Kathryn
2009Using Video to Promote the Development of a Collaborative Approach between Parents and Teachers around Pupil BehaviourMcCartan, Denise
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 483