Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 483
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022 | There is no ‘I’ in identity : a dialogic, social and discursive exploration of professional identity within inter-agency interactions | Richardson, Hannah |
2022 | What links an eight-year old’s ‘journey to the moon’ and a law student going to court for their client? : orchestrating experiences conducive to student learning in a law clinic | Hall, Jonathan Richard |
2022 | ‘Parents as Partners’: Perspectives on the Important Elements of Family-School Partnerships for Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities | Holmes, Ryan James |
2022 | A qualitative exploration of the experiences of parents, who speak English as an additional language, and school staff in their communication together | Dyson, Priya Anand |
2022 | Investigating the impact of flipped learning on computer science students’ achievements, motivation, engagement, and learning autonomy in Saudi Arabia high schools | Alwaqdani, Mohammed Salem |
2022 | Acoustic cues in production of English vowels by Hijazi Arabic learners | Almurashi, Wael Abdulrahman O |
2020 | An investigation into the impact of extensive reading activities on the development of EFL learners’ speaking competencies : a quasi-experimental study of Saudi university students | Almashy, Abduh A M |
2022 | Exploring the impact of extended services on academic achievement for primary school pupils in poverty | Pattison, Louise |
2022 | Hierarchical timing in varieties of Kuwaiti Arabic | Ghadanfari, Saleh |
2022 | Untold Stories: Parents’ Experiences of Young People Reintegrating from Alternative Provision to Mainstream Education | Steels, Rebecca |
2022 | Reducing exclusion from secondary schools : the role of teacher efficacy and student-teacher relationships | Dean, Rebecca Louise |
2022 | Development of identity for learning and teaching in online masters courses | Clapp, Alison Mary |
2022 | Exploring secondary students’ wellbeing : how relationships and contextual factors influence wellbeing | Burt, Clare |
2022 | L2 Motivational self system and L2 writing anxiety among female English language majors in SaudiI Arabia | Alhayek, Ahlem Mohammed S |
2020 | Content and Language Integrated Learning in the pathway sector : developing teacher language awareness through reflective practice | Strigel, Sandra |
2022 | Voicing Contrast in Najdi Arabic Stops: Implications for Laryngeal Realism | Al-Gamdi, Nief Aied |
2020 | Designing my learning: Establishing my practice as an educational broker | Sarangapani, Vidya |
2021 | The future of learning: implementation of SOLE in a Saudi primary school | Otain, Fatma |
2022 | The application and impact of a public health intervention supported by a speech and language therapist in the early years foundation stage | Hope, Kathryn |
2009 | Using Video to Promote the Development of a Collaborative Approach between Parents and Teachers around Pupil Behaviour | McCartan, Denise |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 483