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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 483
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Investigating the influence of learning-centred leadership on authentic instruction and the contribution to enhancing the learning culture : a case study of four Saudi Arabian primary schoolsAlbalwi, Abdullah Slman M
2023"They’re all worth a chance, they’re all worth a couple of chances actually" : an exploration of factors contributing towards young people being categorised as not in education, employment or trainingDodd, Zoe Lindsey
2023“It's always the simplest little things that make the biggest difference”: What is known about the development of early oral language skills in multilingual learners and do practitioners feel able to support this in practice?Vatter, Sophie Jade
2023“I Want to be Supported, but I Need to be Independent”: Exploring the Views and Experiences of Autistic Girls Accessing Post-16 Education in EnglandWakefield, Ella
2023School support for asylum-seeking and refugee children: a systematic review of literature and exploration of child and family perspectivesWang, Jade Yue
2023Understanding Student Discontinuation in Online Language Courses in Corporate TrainingCacheiro Quintas, Noelia
2023Enabling Translanguaging in the Saudi EFL Classroom : affordances and reflections of collaborative translanguaging tasks during reading lessonsBin Ghali, Nada Nasser
2023Using a video tagging application to support professional development and reflection: a case study of pre-service and in-service teachersTasdemir, Saziye
2022The Dampened Curriculum? An Enquiry Into Teachers’ Practices and the Role of Technology Within the Performing Arts CurriculumNicholson, Rebecca Sarah Eales
2022Intonation of Thai learners of English for marking narrow focusKamphikul, Nisit
2023Developing culturally intelligent students from within the classroomRush, Joanne
2022Academy Schools of England and Project Schools of Turkey: Freedom for Schools, Innovation and AccountabilityBaktir, Ibrahim Selman
2022Policy, Practice and Effectiveness within the Secondary Schools of a Single System. Applying and extending a multilevel modelArmstrong, Janet
2023The motivations and aspirations of level 1 learners in North East EnglandRobinson, Lee
2022Children’s experiences of animals in school to support wellbeing: An exploration through relational ecologyWilson, Monica May
2023Digital Literacies for English Language Learners: A Multimodal Social Semiotic Approach to Investigate Saudi Students’ Reading of English TweetsAfnan, Alaloula
2023A reflexive action : developing as a leader within an SEMH school contextHutchison, Michael William
2023Integrating GeoGebra into a primary mathematics teaching intervention : impact on students’ learning processes and outcomesKhormi, Sameer Ali H
2022The influence of child and social factors on the efficacy of language interventions and the role of language in predicting school readinessTulip, Josie
2022How can Educational Psychologists, School Practitioners, and Parents/Carers Come to a Shared Understanding of and Promote the Mental Wellbeing of Children and Young People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities?Fitzpatrick, Dominic Josef Miles
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 483