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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Professional women's experiences of trade unionism : understanding enablers and barriers to participationEwington, Eve Mary
2018Market implied funding liquidity and asset pricesYang, Yuanyu
2018The international linkages of Nigeria as an oil-dependent economy :a macroeconometric analysisIbironke, Adesola Bamidele
2018Change management in Greek state-owned enterprises : the role of archaic Hellenic philosophy and the adoption of business process managementOikonomidis, Fokion
2018Tests for identifying financial contagion : new theoretical approaches and empirical evidenceSewraj, Deeya
2018Multi-objective optimisation of dynamic short-term credit portfolio selection :the adoption of third party logistics credit for financing working capital contrained small and medium sized enterprises in supply chainsJiao, Feng
2018Effects of culture and language on financial risk tolerance across age :risk perception and risk attitude as underlying mechanismCao, Ngan Duong
2018An intraday examination of the role of priors in the price discovery processRoodbar Mohammadi, Baback
2018Accounting for healthcare in the Newcastle Infirmary during the 19th centuryHolden, Andrew John
2018Sustainable development through the Clean Development Mechanism :an examination of Malaysian business organisationsMoohan-Sidhu, Ann Marie
2018The careers of skilled migrants in the North-East of EnglandKozhevnikov, Andrey
2017The impact of semantic knowledge management system on firms' innovation and competitivenessKabir, Nowshade
2018A grounded theory of authenticity and quality constructions for ethnic restaurants : implications for effective marketing strategiesChatzopoulou, Eleni
2017An application of the real option framework to large infrastructure projects : evidence for Thailand's transportation systemChritamara, Suwat
2017M3 strategic decision-making under uncertainty : modes, models, & momentumRoelofse, Emmalinde
2017The location of BRICS foreign direct investment in the European Union, 1997-2010Zhou, Qianyi
2017Essays on value at risk and asset price bubblesKwong, Wai Man
2017'Payday mayday' in the media : a study of discourse, legitimacy and institutional change in the payday loan industryBudd, Katherine Helen
2017Perceptions of the quality of Basel II regulations among bankers : the case of BahrainAhmed Naser, Jaffar Mohammed
2017An empirical examination of the stock return dynamics of developed, emerging and frontier marketsAladesanmi, Olalekan Adebowale
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 221