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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020The Effect of Twitter Dissemination on Cost of Equity: Evidence from Financial and Carbon InformationAlbarrak, Mohammed Saad A
2020The UK equity unit trusts : time-varying market risk and idiosyncratic riskLi, Yanyu
2021NPM, e-government and the modernization of public services in the Sultanate of OmanAl Zadjali, Fatma Mohammed Ali
2020Empirical essays on stock market bubblesYu, Ge
2020Internal Governance Mechanisms and Financial Reporting Quality : Evidence from Alternative Banking SystemsAbdulrahman Ahmed Yusuf, Noora
2020Beyond the question : an interactionist study of Q & A sequences in oral financial results presentationsSchneider, Stefanie
2020Family business in Saudi ArabiaBalila, Sara
2017Factors influencing the propensity of real estate investors in the U.K. to employ property derivatives : a surveyHanisch, Alexander Thomas
2019Effects of board busyness on financial stability, market valuations and dividend payouts : evidence from alternative banking modelsTrịnh, Quang Vũ
2019Acceptance and adoption of the Internet of Things : user perspectiveLu, Yang
2019Institutionalisation of ethics, ethical climate, and project performance outcomes : the case of business- to- business contractual relationshipsNnaji, Charles
2019Effects of corporate governance mechanisms on financial flexibility, risk-taking behaviour and risk management effectiveness : a comparison study between conventional and islamic banking systemsAljughaiman, Abdullah Abdulrahman
2019Essays on the empirical economics of long term careGonzalo Almorox, Eduardo
2019Essays on carbon disclosure and financial consequencesAlsaifi, Khaled M. A. H.
2019The value of voice through employee ownership :fabric or fabrication?Watson, Judith F
2019The making of the German-Turkish economic eliteYagbasan, Dogus
2019A structural equation model of consumers' intentions to consume functional foods :an application to yoghurt and margarine in the UKZainuddin, Mohammad Tahir bin
2019Venture capitalist reputation and the long-run performance of China's initial public offeringsMa, Jing
2019How outraged customers react : from the antecedents to the consequences of customer rage emotions in service failure and intervention strategiesZhang, Wenjiao
2019An empirical analysis of the impact of financial stress and quantitative easing on U.K. financial marketsBerry, William Richard
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 221