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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The nature of communication and its influence on resistance to change :three radical change casesSimoĢƒes, Paula Matos Marques
2009Managing a corporate performance measurement system : an empirical study of balanced scorecard in a Saudi oil companyAl-Sumairi, Mohammed M.
2017A sustainable approach to financial turnaround of a mature business within the UK steel industryHill, Andrew Leslie
2016Online public engagement in higher education : studying the perspectives of academics and the publicDermentzi, Eleni
2016Momentum effects on the Chinese stock marketYang, Yunlin
2016Macro-prudential financial regulation of banks after the crisis of 2008Metzing, Peter Christian
2016Firm exporting behaviour and trade policy in ChinaGao, Bo
2016Implications of IFRS 8 adoption on UK listed companies' disclosure practices and earnings' predictive abilityAl-Aamri, Ibrahim Ali Saleh
2016Performance management systems in Vietnam :antecedents and impacts on organisational performance explored through a contingency perspectiveNguyen, Thi Kim Oanh
2016The interaction of continuing professional development and identity : the experiences of women professional accountants in CanadaRoss, Kathleen Annette
2016Wireless mobility, innovation : social, individual and organizational intelligence ; lessons learned from CEOsClark, Stephen C
2016Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions : the interrelated role of background, situational and psychological factorsPalamida, Eftychia
2016Addressing sustainability and inequality at a global level : $$b how other worlds (may) emergePagan, Victoria Kate
2016Management accounting changes and the interaction effect of management accounting practices and integrated information systems on organisational performance : evidence from ThailandSumkaew, Nuatip
2016A retrospective on the Greenbury provisonsPrice, Michael James
2016Implementing, managing and working under Lean :a qualitative case analysisThirkell, Emma-Jayne
2016Discursive leadership in technological changeGadelshina, Gyuzel
2016Designing an information infrastructure to support research degree programmes : identifying information and technology needsAbd Wahab, Alawiyah
2013Dyadic trust and the accomplishment of organisational objectives : competence, benevolence and integrity salience and institutional cues in perceptions of peer and leader trustworthinessAddison, Susan
2015Investigating aspects of immigration and attitudes towards immigration in England and WalesWaqas, Muhammad
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 221