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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Philanthropy and the socioeconomic development of PakistanKhan, Muhammad Saad Masud
2021Essays on agricultural commodity pricesZhu, Yichen
2021Staged events in the conduct of elite philanthropyYang, Ruomei
2021Co-destruction & Co-creation of Value: The Influence of Basic Values, Traits, Motives and Benefits on Consumer Behaviour and ChoiceOgunbodede, Olabode Emmanuel
2021The breadth of open innovation activities : antecedents and outcomes, a dynamic capability perspectiveEl Maalouf, Nicole
2021Foreign direct investment location and tax incentive policy in IndonesiaSudiana, I Putu
2021The Adoption of Pervasive Technology in Private Spaces: Exploring Pre-Exposure Beliefs and Post-Exposure Outcomes Using Cognitive Dissonance TheoryMarikyan, Davit
2021Impacts of quality management relations on sustainability performanceAl-Sawafi, Ahmed Mohammed Sultan
2021Sharing Economy Platforms: A study of Social Exchange, Reciprocity and CommitmentDavlembayeva, Dinara
2020Accounting for social value: exploring local perspectives and annual reporting by local third sector infrastructure organisations in EnglandMaddocks, John Edwin
2020Essays on commodity prices and their impact on economic growth and financial marketsEnilov, Martin Pavlov
2020Managing sticky experiences across the customer journeySiebert, Anton
2020Access and returns to education in KazakhstanKemelbayeva, Saule
2020The Value of Public Goods in Altruistic SocietiesBeeson, Morgan
2021Partisan budget cycles and electoral accountability in the European Union using Household Tax Rates, 1996-2016Tengur, Neha Devi
2020Changing Work and Family Trajectories – the Experiences of Older Academics/Carers in China according to the Life-course TheoryWang, Xueying
2020Investor Sentiment and Asset Pricing : Empirical Evidence from an Enhanced Investor Sentiment IndexUng, Sze Nie
2020An Empirical Analysis of Labour,Education and Health Related Policies inIndonesiaNoveria, Ana
2021The Intersection of Entrepreneurial Identity and Ethnic Identity: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Black African Migrant Entrepreneurs in the UKKorede, Olutayo
2020Earnings Management, Earnings Benchmarks, and Directors’ Remuneration: UK evidenceZheng, Junxia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 221