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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013A longitudinal and cross-sectional examination of intellectual capital information disclosure in six large FTSE 100 UK companies, 1974-2008Che Abdul Rahman, Mara Ridhuan
2013A structural equation model of the determinants of repeat purchase behaviour of online grocery shoppers in the UKChoi, YoungMin
2013Risk disclosures in the annual reports of UK banks, 1995-2010Rattanataipop, Phorntep
2013How inter-organisational relationships (IORS) develop over timeRoss, Brian Peter
2010Hierarchical forecasting for predicting spare parts demand in the South Korean NavyMoon, Seongmin
2013The effects of fiscal policy on the current account :an econometric analysisEldemerdash, Hany Mohamed Ali
2012Topics in financial market risk modellingMa, Zishun
1998Enhancing organisational innovativeness in a Malay cultural environmentDeen, Abdul Rahman
2012Foreign direct investment (FDI) as a channel of technology diffusion : the case of Saudi ArabiaAlmahasna, Shaker Hassanali A.
2012Towards a better understanding of the intention to use eHealth services by medical professionals :the case of developing countriesNuq, Patrice Anne
2005Initial public offerings in Saudi Arabia : motivations, barriers and effectsAl-Barrak, Abdulrahman Mohammed
2012A structural equation model of customers' behavioural intentions in the Chinese restaurant sectorCao, Jing
2012Essays on the econometric modelling and forecasting of shipping market variablesPourkermani, Kasra
2012A critical discourse analysis of the 'GM Nation?' public debateAttar, Mohammed Arif
2012The impact of the full circulation reform on Chinese security prices and valuationZeng, Yan
2011Metaheuristics for single and multiple objectives production scheduling for the capital goods industryXie, Wenbin
2011Exploring HR policies and HR specialists' role in the context of innovation : the case of BPR in two large Lebanese banksAlsaghir, Loubna
2011Welcome to the machine? :changing music industry value frameworks and the key characteristics of new music industry business modelsBerry, Joanna
2011Inequalities in health and happiness in Great BritainShen, Jing
2011The impact of privatisation on management accounting control systems :a case study of two Saudi Arabian privatised companiesAlroqy, Faisal A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 221