Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 221
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | A longitudinal and cross-sectional examination of intellectual capital information disclosure in six large FTSE 100 UK companies, 1974-2008 | Che Abdul Rahman, Mara Ridhuan |
2013 | A structural equation model of the determinants of repeat purchase behaviour of online grocery shoppers in the UK | Choi, YoungMin |
2013 | Risk disclosures in the annual reports of UK banks, 1995-2010 | Rattanataipop, Phorntep |
2013 | How inter-organisational relationships (IORS) develop over time | Ross, Brian Peter |
2010 | Hierarchical forecasting for predicting spare parts demand in the South Korean Navy | Moon, Seongmin |
2013 | The effects of fiscal policy on the current account :an econometric analysis | Eldemerdash, Hany Mohamed Ali |
2012 | Topics in financial market risk modelling | Ma, Zishun |
1998 | Enhancing organisational innovativeness in a Malay cultural environment | Deen, Abdul Rahman |
2012 | Foreign direct investment (FDI) as a channel of technology diffusion : the case of Saudi Arabia | Almahasna, Shaker Hassanali A. |
2012 | Towards a better understanding of the intention to use eHealth services by medical professionals :the case of developing countries | Nuq, Patrice Anne |
2005 | Initial public offerings in Saudi Arabia : motivations, barriers and effects | Al-Barrak, Abdulrahman Mohammed |
2012 | A structural equation model of customers' behavioural intentions in the Chinese restaurant sector | Cao, Jing |
2012 | Essays on the econometric modelling and forecasting of shipping market variables | Pourkermani, Kasra |
2012 | A critical discourse analysis of the 'GM Nation?' public debate | Attar, Mohammed Arif |
2012 | The impact of the full circulation reform on Chinese security prices and valuation | Zeng, Yan |
2011 | Metaheuristics for single and multiple objectives production scheduling for the capital goods industry | Xie, Wenbin |
2011 | Exploring HR policies and HR specialists' role in the context of innovation : the case of BPR in two large Lebanese banks | Alsaghir, Loubna |
2011 | Welcome to the machine? :changing music industry value frameworks and the key characteristics of new music industry business models | Berry, Joanna |
2011 | Inequalities in health and happiness in Great Britain | Shen, Jing |
2011 | The impact of privatisation on management accounting control systems :a case study of two Saudi Arabian privatised companies | Alroqy, Faisal A. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 221