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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Foreign direct investment in Saudi Arabia :joint venture equity shares and source country characteristicsAlmahmood, Abdulaziz
2009Determinants of online leisure travel planning decision processes :a segmented approachConyette, Michael H.F.
2000Asset returns and the real economyBredin, Donal Patrick
1977Education and economic growth in Iraq : 1953-1974Al-Dahwi, Fuad Abboud
2004Trade reforms : total factor productivity and profitability of manufacturing sectors in PakistanSalam, Naveeda
2005German listed companies' choice of GAAPAlsuwaih, Imad Ali
2009Accounting for the management of the River Tyne in the 19th centuryBrackenborough, Susan
1987The development of the North-East coal ports 1815-1914 :the contribution of engineeringRennison, Robert William
1997An empirical study of the international human resource management strategies and practices in British multinationalsScullion, Hugh Gerard
2004The process of product development in small and medium sized manufacturing firms :evidence from the North East of EnglandHodgson, Catherine Mary
2006An investigation into the determinants of exchange rate volatilityBalg, Basher Abdulla Mohamed
2003The small firm loan guarantee scheme in Jordan :an empirical investigationAl-Mahrouq, Maher Hasan
1996Quality management in Malaysian organizations :the relevance of values to improvement processMat Hassan, Mohd Ezani
2005Technology, culture and HRM :a 'neo-contingency' Anglo-French comparisonRamirez, Jacobo
2004Strategic role of internet-related technologies in supply chain networksBarlow, Alexis Kirstie Jean
2008The relational tactic dimensions of knowledge used within the explicit standardised processes of professional practice in the Irish forensic science laboratoryDoak, Stephen W.
2008Evaluating a leadership coaching systemSadowsky, John
1997An assessment of Total Quality Management in the financial services of United Kingdom and Brazil :a framework for implementation is proposed employing Quality Function DeploymentLongo, Carlos Roberto Juliano
2002Service innovation : managing the interpretations and learning while innovatingStevens, Eric P
2002A framework for evaluating the usability of political web sites : towards improving cyberdemocracyHassan, Shahizan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 221