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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Understanding the perceptions of traceability systems in the cocoa supply chain :a case of GhanaAmegashie-Duvon, Edem
2014The seed or the soil? :microfinance, social networks and opportunity development in GhanKimmitt, Jonathan
2014The adoption and implementation of Kaizen in Sino-Japanese automotive joint venturesMa, Jie
2014An investigation into what defines the student experience of undergraduate students at Newcastle University Business School :and the implications for the School for the design and delivery of its undergraduate educatioJones, Jonathan Robert
2014An investigation of the behaviour of financial markets using agent-based computational modelsManahov, Viktor
2014Policy and practice :shaping and structuring the technologies of careHill, Penelope Howard Mary
2014Financial accounting calculation in relation to natureCuckston, Thomas James
2014Context, latency and the value of preventing a statistical cancer fatalityMcDonald, Rebecca Louise
2014International technology transfer in the Chinese coal mining industryLi, Qi
2013Quantitative modelling of UK housing pricesZhang, Hanxiong
2013Consumer food shopping behaviour in LibyaSehib, Khairia, A. H.
2013The salience of boundaries :strategies of distinction, boundary reification and knowledge sharing in a nascent field of practiceZdunczyk, Katarzyna Anna
2013Opportunity development process in sustainability entrepreneurshipMunoz Roman, Pablo A.
2013Unpacking incubation :factors affecting incubation processes and their effects on new venture creationGertner, Drew
2013Using structural complexity to explain decision-making on corporate responsibilityNguyen, Tam Robert
2013Supply chain collaboration in the management of Nam Dok Mai mango exports from Thailand to JapanPanichsakpatana, Supajit
2013Perception of the risk factors associated with implementation and post-implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in JordanTezeny, Khansaa
2013An empirical analysis of the adaptive market hypothesis and investor sentiment in extreme circumstancesUrquhart, Andrew
2013An empirical investigation of factors affecting cloud computing adoption among SMEs in the North East of EnglandAlshamaila, Yazan Yassen
2013Macroeconomic variables, oil prices and seasonality :three key issues empirically investigated for Islamic stock market indicesAbalala, Turki Shjaan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 221