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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Joining, participating in and withdrawing from a social networking siteOsorio Toro, Carlos Andres
2015Developing a conceptual framework for the reduction of greenwash in environmentally proactive organisationsBrunton, Ronan James
2015The public services' customer as talk, text and technology : a constructionist study of customer relationship management in English local governmentRichter, Paul
2015European economic integration and FDI location : the fifth enlargementSerwicka, Ilona Elżbieta
2015Value co-creation in practice : an activity theory approach to service-based and networked business relationsFerreira, Paulo Sergio Altman.
2015Novel business models : an empirical study of antecedents and consequencesShahwan, Rani M. M.
2015Governmentality in a UK local authorityMackenzie, Ewan McLaren
2015Risks affecting supplier-distributor relationships : evidence from Middle Eastern companiesKhalaf, Hady
2015Factors impeding organisational change in education :a case study of TatweerAl Shibani, Mariam Mohammed Marouf
2015Accountability and social impact measurement for a third sector supported housing organisationNobari, Juila Janfeshar
2015Financial contagionShi, Fengyuan
2015Analyses of health and health related policies in TurkeyAnkara, Hasan Giray
2015Can EVA create value?: a dynamic longitudinal investigation of three New Zealand companiesMcLaren, Josephine Anne
2015Rethinking e-learning strategy 2.0 in the digital age: case study of the future school project in the Kingdom of BahrainMohammed, Ahmed Abdulsamad
2015Schumpeter's entrepreneurial function in today's large corporationNeufeld, Susanne
2015Understanding organisation-CRM system misfits and their evolution : $$b a path to improving post-adoption CRM system usageAlbietz, Bruno
2015The impact of transnational activities of Colombian migrants living in the US on the sending country's socioeconomic developmentSantamaría Alvarez, Sandra Milena
2014Understanding the forces that affect the market orientation of three diverse teams : a mixed-methods, longitudinal studyDion, John Frederick
2014The impact of corporate governance reforms on board structure and board roles :an empirical study of Pakistani listed firmsHassan, Muhammad
2014Finance investor versus corporate management :who defines technology strategy?Wittmann, Roland Leonhard
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 221