Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 221
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Joining, participating in and withdrawing from a social networking site | Osorio Toro, Carlos Andres |
2015 | Developing a conceptual framework for the reduction of greenwash in environmentally proactive organisations | Brunton, Ronan James |
2015 | The public services' customer as talk, text and technology : a constructionist study of customer relationship management in English local government | Richter, Paul |
2015 | European economic integration and FDI location : the fifth enlargement | Serwicka, Ilona Elżbieta |
2015 | Value co-creation in practice : an activity theory approach to service-based and networked business relations | Ferreira, Paulo Sergio Altman. |
2015 | Novel business models : an empirical study of antecedents and consequences | Shahwan, Rani M. M. |
2015 | Governmentality in a UK local authority | Mackenzie, Ewan McLaren |
2015 | Risks affecting supplier-distributor relationships : evidence from Middle Eastern companies | Khalaf, Hady |
2015 | Factors impeding organisational change in education :a case study of Tatweer | Al Shibani, Mariam Mohammed Marouf |
2015 | Accountability and social impact measurement for a third sector supported housing organisation | Nobari, Juila Janfeshar |
2015 | Financial contagion | Shi, Fengyuan |
2015 | Analyses of health and health related policies in Turkey | Ankara, Hasan Giray |
2015 | Can EVA create value?: a dynamic longitudinal investigation of three New Zealand companies | McLaren, Josephine Anne |
2015 | Rethinking e-learning strategy 2.0 in the digital age: case study of the future school project in the Kingdom of Bahrain | Mohammed, Ahmed Abdulsamad |
2015 | Schumpeter's entrepreneurial function in today's large corporation | Neufeld, Susanne |
2015 | Understanding organisation-CRM system misfits and their evolution : $$b a path to improving post-adoption CRM system usage | Albietz, Bruno |
2015 | The impact of transnational activities of Colombian migrants living in the US on the sending country's socioeconomic development | Santamaría Alvarez, Sandra Milena |
2014 | Understanding the forces that affect the market orientation of three diverse teams : a mixed-methods, longitudinal study | Dion, John Frederick |
2014 | The impact of corporate governance reforms on board structure and board roles :an empirical study of Pakistani listed firms | Hassan, Muhammad |
2014 | Finance investor versus corporate management :who defines technology strategy? | Wittmann, Roland Leonhard |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 221