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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 181
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Rural young men, Facebook, and same-sex sexual relationships in Sri LankaWickrama Waduralage, Manoj Pushpa Kumara.
2024Turkish artists in Berlin : creative journeys of non-belongingNiepel, Verena
2024Rock Music from the Late 1960s to the Mid-1970s : a Lacanian interventionMaclean, Kenneth
2024Women's political parties' issue concerns and communication strategiesLuxton, Louise
2024Sounds of walking : can sound re-present the embodied experience of movement, time and distance in the landscape?Eccles, Martin Paul
2024For whom the digital bell tolls : persona, the self, and the mourning of musicians on social media sitesCulbert, Samiran Liam
2024Creativity in electronic music: unravelling the sociocultural fabrics of expressionCooke, Nicholas Edward
2024The Whole Story : The Role of Narrative in the Work of Kate BushNaisbett, Stephanie
2024The politics and aesthetics of creative music : a Rancièrian encounter with the AACMArnot, Stuart John
2023Aesthetics of sustainability : what impact can a critical multi-media arts practice have on our visions for a sustainable future?Sallis, Sabina
2023Between Pleasure, Pain and Power: Theorizing Masculinities through BDSMBogova, Dana Rumenova
2023Renaissance music theory in practice, polyphonic reconstruction as pedagogical tool for the study of counterpointBarbaro, Carmela
2023Saudi Women Instagram Microcelebrities: Self-(Re)presentations, Messages, and Aspects Guiding Their PerformancesLary, Ruaa
2023Schubert, Tragedy and German PhilhellenismNoble, Jonathan
2023Music of the Paston Household: Case Studies of Circulation and Adaptation in the Lutebook GB-Lbl Add. MS 29247Nolan, Caitlin
2023Exit through the crisis : essayistic futurisms and the expanded essay filmCoram, Jeremy David
2023Virtual Mexico: Magical Towns in 360 degrees An exploratory study of the potential of 360-degree video in promoting cultural tourismSalazar Flores, Jesús Leopoldo
2022Making worlds between extinction and care: a study of values and imaginaries in social art practiceMarsden, Hannah Louise
2022Improvisation in Rock Music: Revealing the Extent to Which Capturing Spontaneity is Fundamental to Recorded Rock MusicCook, Michael Alan
2023Investigating Kurt Schwitters' Merz Barn Wall as a Living FragmentMullender-Ross, Heather
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 181