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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 233
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Metabolic functions and inheritance of the microsporidian mitosomeSendra, Kacper M
2015The role of telomeric DNA damage, mitochondria biogenesis and mTOR signalling in cellular senescenceMadeira Marques, Francisco Duarte
2016The 5S RNP and the regulation of the tumour suppressorGibson, Loren Samantha
2016Recombinant expression and characterisation of the Colicin N immunity proteinStroukova, Daria
2016Cell wall metabolism in Bacillus subtilisSidiq, Karzan Rafiq
2016A translational approach to investigate the role of membrane transport proteins in the renal stone disease, cystinuriaRice, Sarah Jayne
2016Mechanisms underlying bypass of the essential telomere-capping protein Cdc13Clark, Kate Rosalind Mary
2016The response of the mitochondrial proteome and ROS production to ageing and dietary restrictionBell, Amy
2015Identification and characterisation of a novel family of copper storage proteins from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3bPlatsaki, Semeli
2010The role of SLC26 transporters in airway epithelial cell functionGarnett, James Peter
2015Investigation of avian defensinsNiranji, Sherko Nariman Subhan
2015Exploring fructan utilisation by members of the human intestinal microbiotaShapiro, Sarah Annette
2015Investigations of the gut innate defences of commercial broilersCadwell, Kevin
2015Role of CFTR and chloride/bicarbonate exchangers in airway epithelial bicarbonate secretionIbrahim, Salam Haji
2015Development of in-vitro human and rat proximal tubule cell models as a platform for drug transporter and drug-drug interaction studiesBillington, Sarah Faye
2015Effects of dietary polyphenols on aspects of cell molecular physiology relevant to metabolic health and ageingAziz, Sadat Abdulla
2015Bistable differentiation in an isogenic cell populationSyvertsson, Simon
2015The impact of the chromatin regulators, Abo1 and HIRA, on global nucleosome architectureGal, Csenge
2015Developing mitoribosomal profiling to investigate quality control of human mitrochondrial protein synthesisWesolowska, Maria Teresa
2015Regulation of the cell division cycle by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifications in yeastRumsby, Ellen Louise
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 233