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Title: Eco-innovation in Packaging for Waste Prevention and Green Brand Image (Multiple Case Study in the Food and Drinks Industry)
Authors: Sumrin, Samira
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Newcastle University
Abstract: According to the United Nations' "3030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," there are seventeen important goals that must be met to achieve sustainable development globally. Between these goals, one crucial objective is to make the industrial production processes and consumption more sustainable. In this era of globalisation, packaging rises as a connection between all focus far and wide, permitting moving and commercializing items on a worldwide level, from makers to purchasers. Along these lines, it is important to know how the packaging industry is adjusting to the expanding requests of the business sectors while agreeing to the worldwide ecological prerequisites and maintainable objectives built up by global associations. Thus, packaging is an important component to be considered for the accomplishment of a sustainability aim that is clearly about minimising the environmental impact of packaging. This research expects to analyse the food and drink sector, aiming to see how the subject of ecoinnovation and sustainability are looked at by food and drink manufacturers. The ecoinnovation in packaging did not only address the waste management-related problems but also help solve many other environmental issues created by traditional packaging materials including plastic. Both internal and external elements of the company have an impact on the choice to introduce or embrace eco-packaging innovation. Numerous scholars stress the need of identifying the various drivers/motivations underlying the adoption of eco-innovations (in general). However, there is no research on what motivates innovation in eco-packaging. Ecopackaging is a part of circular economy practices for waste reduction and management. This research is aimed to explain the drivers and importance of eco-packaging for the circular economy objectives and waste prevention by food and drink companies. This study explores how different external driving factors help firms use their eco-capabilities and managerial environmental awareness as internal drivers to introduce eco-packaging innovation. This research also examines the role of packaging eco-innovation in the prevention of packaging waste. Moreover, eco-friendly packaging due to its environment-friendly design help to attain a green brand image. The study's findings will contribute to building a bridge in the research on the connections between eco-capabilities, eco-packaging innovation, waste reduction, and green image. Keywords: Eco-packaging innovation, Eco-design for packaging, Eco-capabilities, Ecological modernisation, Managerial Environmental Awareness, Waste Prevention, Circular Economy, Green Marketing, Green Image.
Description: Ph. D. Thesis.
Appears in Collections:Newcastle University Business School

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