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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 53
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Elucidating the role of selenium in musculoskeletal ageing using different study designsPerri, Giorgia
2023Pregnancy after bariatric surgery : investigating perinatal outcomes and healthcareAkhter, Zainab
2023The Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the United Kingdom: From A Regulatory PerspectiveWang, Yangzihan
2023Statistical methodology for umbrella and basket clinical trialsOuma, Luke Ondijo
2023Medical students’ perceptions of General Practice and its impact on career intentionsBanner, Kimberley
2022The Postprandial Metabolic and Appetite Effects of Pre-Meal Whey Protein Supplementation: Implications for the Treatment of Type 2 DiabetesSmith, Kieran William Robert
2023The dementia research involvement study : exploring and explaining the involvement of people living with dementia and family carers through patient and public involvement activitiesBellavia, Ester
2022Developing the theoretical basis for a targeted familyinvolved intervention, to reduce co-occurring alcohol use and mental health problems in young people aged 12 to 17.Geijer-Simpson, Emma
2023“It ripples through, it's like a dropping stone into a pond…the ripple effect is huge”: Food insecurity and health: Insights from women, children, and frontline workersBell, Zoë
2022Participants’ Attitudes Towards Data SharingHowe, Nicola Louise
2022Knowledge-sharing and collaboration in NIHR patient & public involvement : a comparative case studyLecouturier, Jan
2022Failing medical finals : it’s not as bad as you think ; using mixed methods to understand the experience of failingJohnson, Dominic Paul
2022An investigation into the acute effects of treatments created and developed from either date fruit or date seeds on the mood and cognitive performance of healthy young volunteersAltuwairki, Duaa Saleh
2022Vitamin D status and biomarkers of functional health and ageing in very-old adults : analysis of the Newcastle 85+ studyHakeem, Sarah
2022Designing with and for social innovation: service design by working with youth civic groups in LebanonArmouch, Sara
2022Investigating Problem-Orientated Patient Pathways, Toothache to Treatment: ImPacT StudyCurrie, Charlotte
2022Quantification of the demands of elite rugby union players and understanding the subsequent physiological and epigenetic responses : $$b an applied approach towards prescription and individualisationKupusarevic, Joe Dusan
2021Poor oral health and age-related health outcomes : epidemiological cohort studies of older people in the United Kingdom and United States of AmericaKotronia, Eftychia
2022Using audit and feedback to improve colonic polyp detection, qualitative studies within the national endoscopy database automated performance reports to improve quality outcomes trial (NED APRIQOT)Catlow, Jamie
2022Dysphagia in head and neck cancer patients in KuwaitAltamimi, Jenan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 53