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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 89
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Towards a Framework for Teaching Artificial Intelligence in Higher EducationAllen, Becky
2022Uncovering Patterns of Seizure Variability Within Individual Patients with Focal EpilepsySchroeder, Gabrielle Marie
2023Using publicly available data and battery models for energy consumption estimation in electric vehiclesAlateef, Saad Brahim F
2022The Adoption of Blockchain Technology for Developing a Trusted Achievement Record System in Higher EducationAwaji, Bakri H
2022Making useful stuff : a context-sensitive enquiry of the sociomaterial practices of makers-in-the-makingMeissner, Janis Lena
2022Fairness-aware data preprocessing for classification tasksGonzález Zelaya, Carlos Vladimiro
2022Noise modelling, simulation and benchmarking for near-term quantum computersGeorgopoulos, Konstantinos
2022Hierarchical visualization of high dimensional data : interactive exploration of 'omics type dataMacquisten, Alexander Michael
2022Towards model-based system engineering for autonomous cyber-physical systemsSalim, Hansen
2022Neural architecture search across expanded and infinite spacesGeada, Robert Joao
2022Run-time adaptation of a functional stream processing systemCattermole, Adam Douglas Derwent
2018Psychoacoustics modelling and the recognition of silence in recorded speechWilson, Derek
2022Computational Approaches to Generating Diverse Enzyme PanelsAtallah, Christian J.I.
2022Self-Flipped Classroom Reuse of Student-Produced Videos for Flipped ClassroomsVasilchenko, Anna
2022Machine Learning and Probabilistic Methods for Network Security AssessmentMatthews, Isaac
2022Performance modelling and analysis of systems under attack and misbehaviourAlmutairi, Ohud Mohammed
2022Designing sustainable community interfacesNicholson, Stuart
2021Longitudinal changes following acute brain injuriesMoreira da Silva, Nádia
2020Automating Computational Placement for the Internet of ThingsMichalák, Peter
2020Machine-Checked Formalisation and Verification of Cryptographic ProtocolsMetere, Roberto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 89