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Showing results 5538 to 5557 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Topic development in Thai EFL classes : a conversation analytic perspectiveSupakorn, Sumita
2018Topic management :the 'about what-ness' of interaction in student university meetingsEl-Wakai, Khadija
2017Topic particles in the North Hail dialect of Najdi ArabicAlshamari, Murdhy Radad D
2014Topics in algebra :the Higman-Thompson group G b2 s, b1 s and Beauville p-groupsBarker, Nathan
2012Topics in financial market risk modellingMa, Zishun
2011Topics in the morphophonology of standard spoken Tamil (SST) : an optimality theoretic studyRamasamy, Mohana Dass
2023Topics in the phonology of Northern Najdi Arabic : an optimality theoretic analysisAlshammari, Khalid Khulaif
2020Topological event history analysis for random fields with an application to global wind intensitiesJohnson, Hollie
2011Torsion theories and Auslander-Reiten sequencesNg, Puiman
2016Total synthesis and semi-synthesis of secondary metabolites isolated from the fermentation of Amycolatopsis DEM30355Morton, Stephanie
2010Tourism and local development :the case of Chiang Saen, Chiangrai, Thailand.Boonpat, Sa-Ngiam
2017Toward 21st century Wundermaschinen :a practice-based inquiry developing media archaeology as an artistic methodologyLi, Ping-Yeh
2012Towards a better understanding of the intention to use eHealth services by medical professionals :the case of developing countriesNuq, Patrice Anne
2007Towards a critical approach to knowledge management : framing a new paradigmHsu, Shih-wei
2008Towards a cultural international political economy of financialisation: the transformation of private pension in the United KingdomStephenson, Adam
2007Towards a framework for sustainability in UK retail architectureFieldson, Rosemary
2022Towards a Framework for Teaching Artificial Intelligence in Higher EducationAllen, Becky
2014Towards a functional petroleum industry in Nigeria :a critical analysis of Nigeria's petroleum industry reformSubai, Pereowei
2019Towards a paracontextual practice* : (*with footnotes to Parallel of life and art)Mason, Ashley
1988Towards a socio-cultural approach for the design of the house/settlement system :a case study in Ghardaia, AlgeriaChabbi, Naima