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Showing results 535 to 554 of 5968 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015a Britain and the Cyprus crisis of 1974 : conflict, colonialism and the politics of remembranceBurke, John Edward
2021Britain and the Falklands : International Perspectives 1982-1990Bagnall, John
2000Britain and the strategy of the economic weapon in the war against Germany, 1914-1919Smith, Richard Alexander
2013British Chinese youth transitions :cultural identity and youth formations in Newcastle upon TyneTan, Alexander Marcus Lee
2014British Independent Record Labels, Memory and MediationRoy, Elodie Amandine
1996The British response to abstract expressionism of the USA c. 1950-1963Wang, Hui Ping
1975British Upper Jurassic plesiosaursBrown, David Stanley
2005Broad horizons? : geographies and pedagogies of the gap yearSimpson, Kate
2019Broad-scale flood modelling in the cloud : validation and sensitivities from hazard to impactMcClean, Fergus Clarke
2011Broadband, ultra-sparse array processing for low complexity multibeam sonar imagingMenon, Raghav
2013Building a 'paradise' on fragile soils :place-making and unsustainable tourism in Northern PeruGonzalez Velarde, Fernando
2020Building a 3D model of the human keratoconic corneaVolatier, Thomas
1991Building a health and environment geographical information system :an evaluation, looking at childhood cancer in Northern EnglandCross, Anna Elizabeth
2012Building bridges to realise potentialMurray, Patricia Marian
1984Building materials and techniques in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Hellenistic period to the fourth century ADDodge, Hazel
2021Building multilocal belongings : a comparative study of Somali postcolonial novels in English and ItalianMedugno, Marco
2023Building new understandings of the practices of social enterprises : evidence from the northeast of EnglandAitken-McDermott, Katherine Mary
2004The built heritage conservation movement : landscapes of Englishness and social classLaw, Andrew Malcolm
2019The burden of vulnerable coronary plaque following acute coronary syndrome in older patients : evaluation utilising advanced intracoronary imaging techniquesSinclair, Hannah Margaret
2009Bureaucracy and other stories : organizing policy-making in DefraWlikinson, Kathryn Sarah