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Showing results 2171 to 2190 of 5968 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Functional analysis of the OA associated variant rs143383Syddall, Catherine
2016Functional analysis of the osteoarthritis susceptibility loci marked by the polymorphisms rs10492367 and rs9350591Johnson, Katherine
2005Functional analysis of TSPY and its role in prostate carcinogenesisOmar, Mahmoud Mustafa
2023Functional Assessment of Rare Genetic Variants of Complement Factor I in Age Related Macular DegenerationCox, Thomas Edward
2022Functional characterisation of mammalian epithelial sodium channels and the pathological consequences of sodium hyperabsorption in the airwaysGettings, Sean Michael
2019Functional characterisation of SLC2A3 and PFKP in t(8;21)-positive acute myeloid leukemiaIsa, Asmida
2022Functional Data Analysis for Earth ObservationAustin, Julian
2013Functional dissection of genetic associations to osteoarthritisRatnayake, Madhushika Samanthi
2020Functional genomic screening to unravel mechanisms underlying resistance to conventional induction therapy in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemiaBeckett, Melanie
2018a Functional imaging techniques to personalise oncological treatmentsPearson, Rachel Anne
2016Functional regression analysis and variable selection for motion dataCheng, Yafeng
2024Functional skin microenvironments unravelled through single cell and spatial transcriptomic analysisOlabi, Bayanne
2023Functionalisation of CVD graphene for gas sensingAladim, Abdullah Kareem
2011The functions of ICT1 and mtRbfA in the human mitochondrial ribosomeRichter Ricarda
2016Fundamental and applied studies of non-thermal plasmaAl-Abduly, Abdullah Jubran
2012Fundamental and applied studies on the development of an alkaline anion exchange membrane-based direct alcohol fuel cellLinares Moya, Douglas De Jesus
1990Fundamental concepts for fault tolerant systemsGarnsworthy, Johnathan Randall
2017Fundamental investigation of localised forced ignition in turbulent homogeneous and stratified mixturesPatel, Dipal
2024Fundamental understanding and modelling hypotheses assessments for Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion using Direct Numerical SimulationsAwad, Hazem Sherif Ahmed Mohamed
2018Fundamental understanding and modelling of turbulent premixed flame wall interaction :a direct numerical simulation based analysisLai, Jiawei