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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1969The computer solution of problems in integer programming.Guy, M. R.
1970Spatial adjustments in the Teesside economy, 1851-81Bullock, I.
1970The stress distribution in, and stability of, space frames with particular reference to radial ribbed domesAuld, F.A.
1970The properties of ensiled crops and the design of silosWood, Jonathan G. M.
1970Computer simulation of highway trafficSumner, Stephen
1970The stress corrosion cracking of maraging steelsHaigh, P.M.
1970The hydrogen ion response of the glass electrode in alkaline solutionsBuck, P.J.
1970The ideas of Pierre de la Ramée with particular reference to poetic theory in the sixteenth century in FranceSharratt, Peter
1970Laboratory and underground investigations into the stability of mine workings in gypsumJones, B.
1970The synthesis of hydrazine from ammonia in a glow dischargeSavage, David
1970The design, implementation and use of a computer-assisted instruction systemDowsey, Michael William
1970The evaluation of large information retrieval systems with application to MEDLARSMiller, W.L.
1970The design and semantic analysis of a programming language and its compilerHenderson, P.
1971Precipitation in iron-chromium-nitrogen alloysMortimer, Brian
1971A morphological and anatomical investigation of some of the thelypterid fernsWood, Christopher C.
1971Interactive approaches to the solution of a class of combinatorial problemsWaller, L
1971Computer representation of graphical information with applicationsHarrison, E. S.
1972The administration of the diocese of St. Andrews 1202-1328Ash, Marinell
1972Trends in education in Northern England during the eighteenth century :a biographical studyRobinson, Francis John Gibson
1972The dynamics of rigid and flexible four-bar linkage mechanismsSmith, M.R.