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Results 61-70 of 332 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015The role of childhood adversity in reproduction trajectory and interest in infantsClutterbuck, Stephanie
2015DNA methylation as a biomarker for age-related cognitive impairmentBarrett, Laura Michelle
2015A fluoride releasing dental prosthesis copolymer for oral biofilm controlYassin, Sufian Ahmeed
2015Issues of autonomy and agency in oncofertility: a socio-bioethical exploration of British adult female cancer patients making oncofertility decisionsPaton, Alexis Hannahson Collins
2015Cell/cell and cell/ECM interaction at the nano-scale for orthopaedic tissue engineeringAlburae, Najla Ali M
2015Design, management and completion of the hypoCOMPaSS RCT evaluating potential for restoration of hypoglycaemia awareness in type 1 diabetes using conventional vs novel technologie : and exploration of potential phenotypes predicting persistent impaired awareness despite study interventionLittle, Stuart Alexander
2015Use of theoretical and estimated identity-by-descent (IBD) allele sharing measures in genome-wide linkage and association studies, with application to large pedigreesEu-Ahsunthornwattana, Jakris
2015An analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins using hidden Markov models and experimental design of stochastic kinetic modelsWilkinson, Nina
2015Evaluation of an internet based weight loss interventionSherrington, Anna
2015The expression and localisation of membrane transporters and P450 enzymes along the longitudinal and crypt-villus axes of the rat intestine and their response to oral imatinibWebster, Megan