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Results 71-80 of 115 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019The royal hunts of Alexander the Great : engaging with local traditions of kingship throughout his empireMullen, James Stephen
2019'It's just what you do' : how can educational psychologists and early years practitioners work together to reflect on pedagogy?Hodgson, Kate Alexandra
2019The Conservative Party, policy change, and Europe : 1997-2016Martin, Tristan
2019Rethinking the henge monuments of the British IslesCummings, Lucy Bethany
2019Musharakah and its compatibility with the Malaysian legal and regulatory framework :an examination on the implementation of risk sharingBin Tuan Soh, Tuan Badrul Hisyam
2019A feminist criminological critique of aspects of the criminal justice system and the whole-system response towards female victims of intimate partner abuseKyriakopoulou-Kollia, Foteini
2019Definition of a bottom-up rural development model as a governance instrument through the analysis of the rural development political strategies in the United Kingdom and in Italy : the cases of four Local Action Groups (LAGs) in Scotland, England, Emilia-Romagna region and Puglia regionGargano, Giuseppe
2019Institutionalisation of ethics, ethical climate, and project performance outcomes : the case of business- to- business contractual relationshipsNnaji, Charles
2019Rules of engagement : investigating the transformation of unwritten social protocols into screen-based representations through hybridity and liminal practicesStenbom, Jenny Cecilia
2019Visitors' experiences with smartphone-based interpretations in outdoor cultural heritage landscapesMoss, Brian Patrick