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Showing results 5791 to 5810 of 5873 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012w.Development of bioelectronics for inertial sensing applicationsDale, Carl Andrew
2022Walking pictures : investigating through film practice the structural, sequential and durational character of the urban walkPattison, Michael
2014Waste stabilization pond ecology :a molecular approachEland, Lucy Elizabeth
2017A water grid for the UKLeathard, Alex
2015Water harvesting for crop production :exploring adoption and use in Burkina Faso from a livelihoods perspectivesBunclark, Lisa Annita
2015Water infrastructure vulnerability due to dependency on third party infrastructure sectorsHolmes, Matthew
2014Water resources and drought in international Iberian river basins under future climatesDe Brito Guerreiro, Selma
2011Water trades on the lower River Tyne in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesWright, Peter Dennis
2015The water use of the UK electricity sector and its vulnerability to droughtByers, Edward Anthony
2008Water, politics and the persistence of uneven development in the Zambian CopperbeltPadfield, Rory
2023We are the gift of life’: exploring the political potential of childhood reading through the work of Beverley NaidooKing, Helen
2020“We don’t have a collection, just an art gallery”: An enquiry into the origins, rationale and role of the Hatton Gallery Collection formed by Professor Lawrence Gowing for King’s College, University of Durham, from 1952 to 1957Stephenson, Melanie Gail
2020“We will lead you to the republic” : the dynamic heterogeneity of Irish republicanism, 1968-1998Hepworth, Jack William Robert
2017a Weak intermolecular interactions of imidazole, urea and thiourea studied by microwave spectroscopyMullaney, John Connor
2007Web-based discovery and dissemination of multidimensional geographic informationHobona, Gobe Ernesto
2013WeDRisk :an approach to managing web and distributed software development risksKeshlaf, Ayad Ali
2011Welcome to the machine? :changing music industry value frameworks and the key characteristics of new music industry business modelsBerry, Joanna
1986Welding fumes as a cause of impaired lung function in shipyard workersEl-Gamal, Fathi Mahmoud Hussein
2017West wind : eing 'modern' and 'Chinese' through translationWang, Lu
2014"What can be infinitely destroyed is what can infinitely survive" :literary and filmic representations of political torture from Algiers to GuantánamoAdams, Alex