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Showing results 2475 to 2494 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020‘I am not a number’ Exploring the wellbeing of seasonal farm workers in the UKSaxby, Heidi Janice
2009'I am pearl' : guise and excess in the poetry of Barry MacSweeneyBatchelor, Paul
2016I am still bed six :a collection of poetry, and, Poetry as therapy and poetry beyond therapyReid, Lindsay Emma
2013'I disagree with myself!' :creative thinking in a Key Stage 1 community of enquiryJones-Teuben, Hanneke Maria
2018'I hurt her. I hurt her bad. She's dead' : an interdisciplinary exploration of interactions between the state and the individual in legal settingsBlewitt, Kirsty Elizabeth
1997I is the other : conflicts and continuities of identity in Tony Harrison's The Loiners, Continuous and VHairsine, Neil
2023"I like a bit of craic, it makes everything more worthwhile" : an exploration of relational resilience amongst school staffClarke, Emily Ellen
2013I spy with my military eye :strategies of military vision and their use in fine art practiceStreffen, Isabella Sarah Espie
2010I still can't questions : the role of working memory in the longitudinal development of L2 English questions in an immersion settingWright, Clare
2016"I think when I work with other people I can let go of all of my ideas and tell them out loud' : the impact of a Thinking Skills approach upon pupils' experiences of mathsMulholland Shipley, Kirstin Elizabeth
2023“I Want to be Supported, but I Need to be Independent”: Exploring the Views and Experiences of Autistic Girls Accessing Post-16 Education in EnglandWakefield, Ella
2023‘I want to have children, but I’ve got a learning disability’ : understanding the reproductive and parenting imaginaries and experiences of people with learning disabilities from their perspectives and that of family members and support workers.Rose, Katrina Mary Anne
2023“I was trying to paint the colour of darkness”: Shedding light on young people’s experiences of participatory arts projects in North-East secondary schoolsDarling, Florence
2008ICT and sustainable development in an outermost regionAlmeida, Antonio
2017Ideals and expectations : representations, practices and governance of contemporary motherhoodClose
1970The ideas of Pierre de la Ramée with particular reference to poetic theory in the sixteenth century in FranceSharratt, Peter
2016Identification and assessment of molecular biomarkers in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation /Gam, Rihab
2020Identification and care of patients at risk of post-stroke dementiaTang, Eugene Yee Hing
2015Identification and characterisation of a novel family of copper storage proteins from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3bPlatsaki, Semeli
2020Identification and characterisation of Asparaginyl Endopeptidase expression and function in T regulatory cellsStathopoulou, Chaido