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Showing results 2319 to 2338 of 5950 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Habitat structural complexity of Caribbean coral reefs and its relationships with fish community structureDryden, Charlie
1992Haemodynamic changes during human pregnancyRobson, Stephen Courtenay
2002Hannibal's strategies during the second Carthaginian War with Rome & his ultimate goal of Roman subjugationGentry, Sean Alexander
2011Hans J. Morgenthau, the "marginal man" in international relations : a "Weltanschauungsanalyse"Rosch, Felix Johannes
2011Hardware acceleration of photon mappingHoggins, Carl Andrew
2019Hardware synthesis from high-level scenario specificationsDe Gennaro, Alessandro
2018Harmonic analysis, Hecke algebra and cohomology on groups of trees and buildingsJi, Yameng
2017Harmonised method to validate the impact resistance performance of composite passenger railway carbodiesÖnder, Asim
2005Harmonising policy and technology : environmental regulation of mine waters in the United Kingdom and European UnionAmezaga Menendez, Jaime Miguel
2017HCI and re-making placeCrivellaro, Clara
2011Health and disease in Chalcolithic Cyprus : a problem-oriented palaeopathological study of the human remainsGamble, Michelle
2017Health claims on food products in South East Asia : a comparative study on regulatory framework and consumer understandingTan, Karin Yu Mian
2006Heart rate and blood pressure variability :association with white matter lesions and cognitive function following strokeMcLaren, Andrew
2024Heart rate variability in ageing and hypertrophic cardiomyopathyAlyahya, Alaa
2019Heartwave biometric authentication using machine learning algorithmsLim, Chin Leng Peter
2016Heat resistant thermophilic endospores in cold estuarine sedimentsBell, Emma
2020Heat sinks based on liquid metal for power electronics cooling applicationsYerasimou, Yerasimos
1986Heat transfer on a rotating surface with and without phase changeKhan, Javaid Rabbani
2012Hegemony and resistance as shown in critical discourse analysis of trainee interpreters from the P.R.C. and Taiwan in Mandarin-English simultaneous interpretingChang, Pin-ling
2000Henri Laurens and the Parisien avant-gardeRacz, Imogen Anne