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Showing results 5929 to 5948 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Why that language, in that context, right now? : the use of the L1 in L2 classroom interaction in an Egyptian settingWaer, Hanan Hasan Eid
1989Wilfrid Wilson Gibson : people's poet ; a critical and biographical study of W.W. Gibson 1878-1962Hogg, Roger Holmes
2013William Newton (1730-1798) and the development of the architectural profession in north-east EnglandPears, Richard Malcolm
2019Wind and boundary driven planetary geostrophic circulation in a polar basinGavilan Pascual-Ahuir, Estanislao
2016Wireless mobility, innovation : social, individual and organizational intelligence ; lessons learned from CEOsClark, Stephen C
2017Wireless spectres : space and the re-enchantment of invisible technologiesHernandez Hernandez, Jose Lewis
2010Wnt/Wg pathway activation in medulloblastoma and disease risk stratificationMegahed, Hisham
1994Women and change in Ghana :the impact of environmental change and economic crisis on rural women's time useAwumbila, Mariama
2018Women watching television : the influence of Thai soap operas on Lao women viewersKwanjai, Mesirin
2019Women's empowerment in Agriculture :a case of Northeast BrazilDo Amaral Valèrio, Erika
2024Women's political parties' issue concerns and communication strategiesLuxton, Louise
2005Women's testimonies of the concentration camps of the South African war : 1899-1902 and after.Dampier, Helen
2002Women, Islam and human rightsLatif, Nazia
1989Women, men and power :gender relations in MontserratSkelton, Tracey Lynn
2023Women’s perceived (un)safety : a nexus between encounters, (in)visibility and belongingYates, Anna Francesca
2016Won't you come to the hills?' : community, place and folk music in a rural Northumbrian parishLloyd, Jonathon Charles Edward
2018Wood-based hygromorphic materials for sustainable responsive architectureHolstov, Artem
2008The work of the body; the body of work :an investigation into some of the phenomena at work in the process of creativity, with particular reference to the role of the body, the unconscious, the psyche and the notion of reverberationHalliday, John
2016Work, bodies, and the emerging politics of alienation /McFadden, Paul Enoch
2002Working for women? : family day care providers' social and economic experience in England and GermanyGelder, Ilse Ulrike