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Showing results 575 to 594 of 5968 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Cancellable biometric using matrix approachesMukhaiyar, Riki
2023Capabilities and care : a qualitative exploration of the lives of carers of people living with dementia in NorthumberlandMorrison, Elizabeth Anne Kingsley
2012A capabilities approach to local and regional development in Europe :evidence from Alentejo, PortugalEdwards, John Huw
2018Capability of silicon carbide Schottky diodes as radiation detector and for x-ray photon energy harvestingMohamed, Nurul Syazwina Binti
1996Capital, state and redevelopment : Newcastle city centre (1960-1990)Tavsanoglu, Solmaz
2009Capitalism and identity in modern American dramaAttia, Alaa E. Mustafa Khalifa
2015Capturing proof processVelykis., Andrius
2019Carbon capture potential in modified soilIorliam, Yala Amos
2017Carbon dioxide control in bioreactors and the application of principal component analysis to cell culture process dataIrfan, Kerem
1994Carbon molecular sieves for air separationChagger, Harnit Kaur
1998Carbon storage in Pennine moorland and response to changeGarnett, Mark Henry
1991Carboniferous rocks of the eastern and central Midland Valley of Scotland :organic petrology, organic geochemistry and effects of igneous activityRaymond, Anne Charlotte
2014Carboxylic acid composition and acidity in crude oils and bitumensBinti Shafiee @ Ismail, Nor Sahida
2014Cardiac manifestations of mitochondrial diseaseBates, Matthew
2018The careers of skilled migrants in the North-East of EnglandKozhevnikov, Andrey
1996The Caribbean, NAFTA and regional developmentMarshall, Don Decourcey
2014CARICOM and the politics of migration :securitisation and the free movement of community nationals in BarbadosBrathwaite, George Christopher
2017Caries prevention in Chile : an epidemiological, econometric, and economic evaluationPalacio Rodriguez, Raul Antonio
2012Carnival in Oruro (Bolivia)Cordova, Ximena
2019Carrots and cancer : the bioavailability of polyacetylene from carrots and their assocation with biomarkers of cancer riskWarner, Sarah Rosalind