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Showing results 5454 to 5473 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Teacher self-efficacy and teacher practice :an exploration of existing research and dynamics of teacher self-efficacy in the Philosophy for Children classroomMcBryde, Fiona
2014Teachers developing understanding of enquiry based learningReid, Anna Jane
2013Teachers' and pupils' views of teacher-pupil relationships through primary and middle schoolShort, Leanne
2005Teachers' beliefs about adopted formative assessment strategies in teaching writing in the primary school : a case studyGuthrie, Louise Isobel
2021Teachers’ and students’ experiences of positive relationships in secondary educationCramond, Jill Alison
2009The teaching and learning reflective practice in medicine, nursing and physiotherapy: a grounded theory studyZarezadeh, Yadolah
2016Teaching children to read : an investigation of teachers' self-efficacy beliefsJones, Katharine
2008Teaching folk : the educational institutionalization of folk music in contemporary EnglandKeegan-Phipps, Simon
2012Teaching the conflictsBarbrook, Lee
2011The technical analysis method of moving average trading : rules that reduce the number of losing tradesToms, Marcus Christian
1991Technical change and the transformation of work : the case of the British coal industryTomaney, John
1983A techno-economic model of ship operation with special reference to hull and propeller maintenance in the face of uncertaintySvensen, Tor Egil
2022Technology at work and domestic labour: A critical exploration of gender, class, and work-life articulationMonroe, Julie
1993Technology transfer, architectural design and integrated building design systemsSun, Ming
2005Technology, culture and HRM :a 'neo-contingency' Anglo-French comparisonRamirez, Jacobo
2020Technology-enabled planning participation: Designing & deploying digital technology to encourage citizen participation in urban planningWilson, Alexander
2013Ted Hughes and the literal :a study of the relationship between Ted Hughes's translations of János Pilinszky and his poetic intentions for CrowBergin, Tara
2006Televisual representation of the "War on Terror" : comparative analysis of Al-Jazeera and CNN in covering the 2003 invasion of IraqEl-Ibiary, Rasha
2023Telomerase Activation to reverse Immunosenescence in elderly patients with Acute Coronary SyndromeBawamia, Bilal Reshad
2015Telomere dysfunction and senescence in the ageing lung and age-related lung diseaseBirch, Jodie