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Showing results 5438 to 5457 of 5950 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1976The taxonomy and biology of the British ChrysomelidaeCox, Michael Leslie
1986The taxonomy of plants formerly referred to as Oncidium section Oncidium (Orchidaceae) in the Caribbean IslandsBraem, Guido Jozef
2005A taxonomy of translation problems in translating from English to ArabicDeeb, Zakia Ali
2017Teacher agency : curriculum development in English primary academiesParker, Gemma Louise
2017Teacher agency : curriculum development in English primary academiesParker, Gemma Louise
2011Teacher identity construction : exploring the nature of becoming a primary school language teacherFajardo Castaneda, Jose Alberto
2014Teacher self-efficacy and inclusive practice :an exploration of educator self-efficacy with regards to inclusive practice within the mainstream classroomGrace, Christina
2013Teacher self-efficacy and teacher practice :an exploration of existing research and dynamics of teacher self-efficacy in the Philosophy for Children classroomMcBryde, Fiona
2014Teachers developing understanding of enquiry based learningReid, Anna Jane
2013Teachers' and pupils' views of teacher-pupil relationships through primary and middle schoolShort, Leanne
2005Teachers' beliefs about adopted formative assessment strategies in teaching writing in the primary school : a case studyGuthrie, Louise Isobel
2021Teachers’ and students’ experiences of positive relationships in secondary educationCramond, Jill Alison
2009The teaching and learning reflective practice in medicine, nursing and physiotherapy: a grounded theory studyZarezadeh, Yadolah
2016Teaching children to read : an investigation of teachers' self-efficacy beliefsJones, Katharine
2008Teaching folk : the educational institutionalization of folk music in contemporary EnglandKeegan-Phipps, Simon
2012Teaching the conflictsBarbrook, Lee
2011The technical analysis method of moving average trading : rules that reduce the number of losing tradesToms, Marcus Christian
1991Technical change and the transformation of work : the case of the British coal industryTomaney, John
1983A techno-economic model of ship operation with special reference to hull and propeller maintenance in the face of uncertaintySvensen, Tor Egil
2022Technology at work and domestic labour: A critical exploration of gender, class, and work-life articulationMonroe, Julie