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Showing results 384 to 403 of 5950 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Bayesian inference for linear stochastic differential equations with application to biological processesMcLean, Ashleigh Taylor
2021Bayesian inference for models of collective behaviourWalton, Jack
2016Bayesian inference for stochastic differential mixed-effects modelsWhitaker, Gavin Andrew
2014Bayesian inference for stochastic kinetic models using data on proportions of cell deathAinsworth, Holly Fiona
2018Bayesian methods for time series with mixed and mixture distributions with an application to daily rainfall dataIbrahim, Muhammad Safwan Bin
2019Bayesian modelling and analysis of ranked dataJohnson, Stephen Richard
2017Bayesian modelling of latent Gaussian models featuring variable selectionNewman, Keith
2018Bayesian online state and parameter estimation for streaming dataVieira, Rui Miguel
2021Bayesian optimal design using stochastic gradient optimisation and surrogate utility functionsHarbisher, Sophie
2015Bayesian phylogenetic modelling of lateral gene transfersVieira, Rute Gomes Velosa
2023Bayesian Probabilistic Numerical Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential EquationsWang, Junyang
2010Bayesian spatio-temporal modelling of rainfall through non-homogenous hidden Markov modelsGermain, Sarah Elizabeth
2020Bayesian survival analysis with missing data using integrated nested laplace approximationAbdul Jalal, Muhammad Irfan bin
2018Bayreuth after Wagner : psychosocial perspectives on Cosimer Wagner, Winifred Wagner, and Houston Stewart ChamberlainDoughney, Eric
2016The BCL6-IRF4-BLIMP1 transcription factor axis as a therapeutic target in T-cell lymphomaGibson, Paul David
2011BCRP (ABCG2) expression, function and regulation in model and intestinal epithelial cellsWright, Jamie Andrew
2017Becoming a secondary science teacher : an exploration of key personal, professional & situated experiences & how these shape science teacher identities : a multiple case studyJutla, Jaswinder
1990Becoming bilingual :a sociolinguistic study of the communication of young mother tongue Panjabi-speaking childrenMoffatt, Suzanne Margaret
2024Becoming pregnant after a baby loss: improving inter-pregnancy care for women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes - a qualitative exploration of women’s experiences and healthcare professionals’ perspectives.Dyer, Eleanor
2017Bee gustatory neurons encode sugar concentration as a coherent temporal pattern of spikingMiriyala, Ashwin Kumar