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Showing results 3107 to 3126 of 5968 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Janet : the shape of the hidden : collaborative video practice as research in a poetry archiveSweeney, Kate
2011Japan self-defence forces' overseas dispatch operations in the 1990s : effective international actors?Mulloy, Garren
2019Jeddah Arabic intonation : an autosegmental-metrical approachMoussa, Hajar Ahmed
1976Jesus and the Gospel of Mark :the study of a pre-Markan sayings traditionBlakey, Elaine Jennifer
2017The Jihadist discourse of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (2003-2005) : representational, intertextual and argumentative analysisAlsamdani, Hadi Alhussin A
2009Job satisfaction of university academics in ChinaYu, Xinying
2016John Ashbery and surrealismSpittle, David Graham Parnel
1980John Cowper Powys and the art of the novelistHodgson, John
2006John Dowland's printed ayres :texts, contexts and intertextsGibson, Kirsten Vanessa
2020Johnston Forbes-Robertson and the functions of theatrical celebrity,1880-1920Unwin, Hannah
2015Joining, participating in and withdrawing from a social networking siteOsorio Toro, Carlos Andres
2022Jordanian Cinema and Gender Regimes: Representations and Audience ReceptionAl-Shara’h, Arene N.
2012The journey of becoming and being a mother raising a disabled childShi, Yi-Ting.
2016The journey of researching on to researching with : theoretical and methodological challenges within educational researchClark, Jill Lindy Leigh
2016The journey through school for children with cystic fibrosis : an interpretive phenomenological analysisCotter, Breda
2020Judging a book by its cover : reader responses to paratexts in English and German translations of Chinese banned booksKraemer, Lena
2019Justice-Oriented Ecologies: Working to Design Digital Technologies With Sex Work Support ServicesStrohmayer, Angelika
2016K.S. Sorabji on neglected works : counter-canon as cultural critiqueMcMenamin, Sean
2023Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, a tool for comparatively studying stomatal physiology, guard cell and mesophyll metabolism in C3 and crassulacean acid metabolism tissuesCowan-Turner, Daniel
2006Key determining factors influencing small states' relationships : a case study of Malaysia's relations with Saudi ArabiaIdris, Asmady