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Showing results 2687 to 2706 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Influence of bull exposure on reproductive performance of postpartum dairy cowsMat, Khairiyah Binti
2015Influence of cell type of origin to the differentiation potential of induced pluripotent stem cells derived from human urinary tract cellsMoad, Mohammad
2022The influence of child and social factors on the efficacy of language interventions and the role of language in predicting school readinessTulip, Josie
1990The influence of cohesion on sediment movement in channels of circular cross-sectionAlvarez-Hernandez, Enrique Mauricio
2014The influence of different irrigation regimes on the cleanliness and physical properties of the root canal wallsAl-Khafaji, Thulficar Ghali Hamid
2017The influence of Dutch and Venetian political thought on Seventeenth-Century English republicanismShields, Amy Heather
1995Influence of food plants on growth and development and susceptibility to insecticides of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval)Fiscian, Prempeh
2023Influence of Genotype and Transcriptional Regulation on The Response of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) to Curvularia oryzae Induced Leafspot DiseaseWiboyo, Cahyo Sri
2016The influence of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on human mesenchymal stromal cells : application in tissue engineered constructsPartridge, Simon William
2019Influence of input motion selection and soil variability on nonlinear ground response analysesGuzel, Yusuf
2020The influence of intercellular connections on beta cell functionsCornell, Deborah
2014The influence of microbial inocula on biodegradation outcome towards enhanced regulatory assessmentsMartin, Timothy James
2021The influence of sirtuin-controlled circadian rhythmicity anddiet on lifespan in the honey bee, Apis melliferaDonley, Dion Ian
2000The influence of stern vortices on ship manoeuvringHorn, Jonathan Roger
1997Influence of the Reformation and Counter Reformation upon key texts in the literature of witchcraftWatson, Lisa Jacqueline
1996The influence of topography upon rotating magnetoconvectionCoffey, Paul Anthony
2018Influence of transaction costs on market participation by smallholder poultry farmers in Nigeria : a mixed methods studyAntia-Obong, Essien Akpan
2019Influences of dialogic reflections on changes in the beliefs and practices of Thai university teachers of English relating to vocabulary teaching in readingBancha, Woralak
2022The influences of microstructural processes on concrete exposed to high temperaturesWang, Jiayi
2021Influences on foundation programme doctor’s choice of career specialty. Paediatrics as an exemplar case.Scales, Sarah