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Showing results 2627 to 2646 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Improving the metal-on-metal hip prosthesisLord, James Kenneth
2016Improving the torque quality of a modulated pole machineAhmed, Nabeel
2016Improving udder quality traits in sows to aid survival and performance of pigletsBalzani, Agnese
2022Improvisation in Rock Music: Revealing the Extent to Which Capturing Spontaneity is Fundamental to Recorded Rock MusicCook, Michael Alan
2017'In her right hand she bore a trumpet, in her left an olive branch...' :performance space and the early modern female wind playerRobinson, Sarah Emily
1995In search of quality and competence :practice teaching/field instruction in social work educationRogers, Gayla
2020In silico identification and assessment of novel allosteric protein binding sites to expand the “druggable” human proteomeSabanés Zariquiey, Francesc
1973An in situ investigation of the physical properties of rock salt with special reference to underground gas storageDack, E.
2018In situ product recovery of butanol from the acetone butanol ethanol fermentationOutram, Victoria
2012In situ transesterification of Jatropha curcas for biodiesel productionKasim, Farizul Hafiz
2018In situ transesterification of rapeseed for production of biodiesel and secondary productsBabatunde, Akeem Abiodun
2007In two minds :cognitive and linguistic skills used by children with normal language and a specific impairment of language to understand and resolve ambivalent emotionBrooks, Valerie Ann
2012The in vitro analysis of metal binding and transfer by the copper metallochaperone for Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutaseAllen, Stephen Joseph
2020In vitro analysis of the cytosolic copper metallochaperones in saccharomyces cerevisiaeBrusby, Kerrie
2018In vitro characterisation and modulation of evolving epileptiform activityCodadu, Neela Krushna
2010In vitro modelling of dermal absorption of chemicals following environmental or accidental exposureMoore, Craig Andrew
1996In vitro models for the assessment of skin xenobiotic metabolismJewell, Christopher
2019In vitro models of the bacterial outer membrane for antibiotic researchParacini, Nicolo
2011In vitro properties and in vivo responses of CoaR, ZiaR & Zur (trans-family metal-sensing)Patterson, Carl John
2011In vitro systems to predict hepatotoxicity : models based on hepatocarcinoma cell linesMowbray, Catherine Anne