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Showing results 2339 to 2358 of 5968 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Heart rate and blood pressure variability :association with white matter lesions and cognitive function following strokeMcLaren, Andrew
2024Heart rate variability in ageing and hypertrophic cardiomyopathyAlyahya, Alaa
2019Heartwave biometric authentication using machine learning algorithmsLim, Chin Leng Peter
2016Heat resistant thermophilic endospores in cold estuarine sedimentsBell, Emma
2020Heat sinks based on liquid metal for power electronics cooling applicationsYerasimou, Yerasimos
1986Heat transfer on a rotating surface with and without phase changeKhan, Javaid Rabbani
2012Hegemony and resistance as shown in critical discourse analysis of trainee interpreters from the P.R.C. and Taiwan in Mandarin-English simultaneous interpretingChang, Pin-ling
2000Henri Laurens and the Parisien avant-gardeRacz, Imogen Anne
2018Heparan Sulfate 3-O-sulfation in renal fibrosisFerreras, Laura
2017Hepatitis B, measles and varicella infections, among newly recruited military and healthcare employees in the Saudi National Guard : associated knowledge, concerns and barriers to vaccinationAl Thaqafy, Majid Seraj K
2014Hepatocyte generation from pancreatic acinar cell linesFairhall, Emma Alexandra
2020Herbicide safening in maize (Zea mays)Watson, Philip Alexander
2012Heritage and non-heritage Chinese students' perceptions of language learning strategy useLiu, Yunzhen
2019Heteroatom-modified polymer immobilised ionic liquid-stabilised metal nanoparticles : synthesis and applicationsBackhouse, Tom
2017Heterogeneity in Bacillus subtilis : growth phase dependent activity and noiseEwen, Tom
2022Heterologous expression of Triticum aestivum WRKY transcription factors in Pichia pastoris : interaction with promoters of defence genesAlhudhaibi, Abdulrahman Mohammed
2007Hidden biographies : dyslexia, disability and social classMacdonald, Stephen James
2001The hidden geography of transnational surveillance : social and technological networks around signals intelligence sitesWood, David
2014Hidden inequalities :Rwandan female politicians' experiences of balancing family and political responsibilitiesUvuza, Justine
2010Hierarchical forecasting for predicting spare parts demand in the South Korean NavyMoon, Seongmin