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Showing results 1904 to 1923 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019An exploration of preparation for parenthood amongst first-time biological parentsSpiteri, Georgette
2022Exploration of sleep as a specific risk factor for poor cardiometabolic and mental health & the comparison of subjective and objective assessments of sleepZhu, Gewei
2016An exploration of teachers' understanding of their questioning practices in science lessons in early primary teaching in ThailandCheewaviriyanon, Chalita
2001An exploration of teachers' wellbeingSmall, Daniel
2017An exploration of the application of a theory of basic psychological needs in developing practice in a secondary schoolCockram, Nicola
2014An exploration of the characteristics of excess travel within commutingFraszczyk, Anna
2023An exploration of the concept of ‘walkability’ in a hot arid climate : the case of Makkah cityAlmajadiah, Abdulrahman Mubarak.
2017An exploration of the diagnostic label 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'Parker, Honor Louise
2015An exploration of the effectiveness of emotional regulation strategies on the well-being of teachers and early years practitionersBaron, Adam
2018An exploration of the experience and impact of Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) on a group of year 5 childen in a mainstream primary schoolClavell-Bate., Rebecca Helen
2021An exploration of the experiences of children and young people (CYP)considered to have additional educational needs (AEN) in taking part indecision making processes in an English educational contextWhitby, Zoë
2018An exploration of the impact of resilience interventions : educational professionals' views of the growth mindset approach and its impact on students' academic resilienceSumner, Kayleigh Jane
2021An exploration of the life course determinants of oral health in the United KingdomO’Connor, Rhiannon
2021An exploration of the lived experiences of gender diverse young people in schoolsHall, Natalia Louise
2023Exploration of the potential of high throughput DNA sequencing to quantify fungicide resistance in populations of Zymoseptoria triticiGutiérrez Vázquez, Yaiza
2010An exploration of the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) techniques within a Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) framework with children experiencing personal and school related problemsGrandison, Pamela
2024An exploratory aerodigestive swallowing study in the chronic respiratory disease, Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisAlAmer, Amal Ahmad
2019Exploring active ageing outdoors : a case study of Anqing, ChinaYang, Qiaowei
2014Exploring adolescent food choice; : a food environment perspectiveTyrrell, Rachel Louise
2019Exploring and enhancing teacher-pupil relationships using Video Interaction GuidanceSketchley, Stacey Louise