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Showing results 1884 to 1903 of 5950 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Explaining recent heterogeneous glacier change in the Annapurna Conservation Area, central HimalayasLovell, Arminel Mary
1990The exploitation of parallelism on shared memory multiprocessorsStoker, Michael Allan
2016The exploitation of provenance and versioning in the reproduction of e-experimentsAbang Ibrahim, Dayang Hanani
2023Exploiting contextual effects on synthetic biological constructs for the design of genetic and electrogenetic circuitsGrozinger, Lewis John
2018Exploiting DNA surfaces for sensing and nanomaterial applicationsLunn, Samantha Marie Louise
2008Exploiting dynamic deployment in a distributed query processor for the gridMukherjee, Arijit
2006Exploiting method semantics in client cache consistency protocols for object-oriented databasesDwiartanto, Johannes
1994Exploiting parallelism in n-D convex hull algorithmsEyoh, edet Okon
2018Exploiting robustness in asynchronous circuits to design fine-tunable systemsBenafa, Oyinkuro Ikechukwu
2016Exploiting synthetic lethality in ovarian cancerO'Donnell, Rachel Louise
2009Exploiting the architectural characteristics of software components to improve software reuseAlkazemi, Basem Yousef
2015a Exploiting the potential of Agave for bioenergy in marginal landsAl Baijan, Dalal B. A. S
2015Exploiting the potential of Agave for bioenergy in marginal landsAl Baijan, Dalal B. A. S.
2023An exploration into how children, young people and adults conceptualise and enhance children and young people’s participation through meta-ethnography and collaborative action researchSmith, Katie
2015An exploration into how collaborative problem solving groups can change teachers' practiceWright, Rebecca Danielle
2021An Exploration of How Educational Psychologists can facilitate positive change in residential children's homes: Perceptions of Residential Care WorkersMeyrick, Rachel
2017An exploration of how teenagers' electronic and social media use impacts wider areas of their livesPoole, Faye
2020An exploration of meetings between parents and multiple professionals through bounded meta-study and collaborative action researchRussell, Jade
2019An exploration of preparation for parenthood amongst first-time biological parentsSpiteri, Georgette
2022Exploration of sleep as a specific risk factor for poor cardiometabolic and mental health & the comparison of subjective and objective assessments of sleepZhu, Gewei