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Showing results 1844 to 1863 of 5950 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004An examination of job satisfaction and its relation to motivation needs and some demographic variables in two different cultures (Saudi Arabia and the UK)Alnoeim, Fahad
1987An examination of relationships between road accidents and traffic flowMcGuigan, David Ronald Dickson
2012An examination of teacher efficacyBrown, Carol Geralyn
2012An examination of the effectiveness of initial training for new police recruits in promoting appropriate attitudes and behaviour for twenty first century policingMather, Percy
2012An examination of the factors connected with social, emotional and behavioural changes in Nurture Group pupils and an exploration of pupils' experiencesWhitehead, Kimberley
2020An Examination of the Impact of Using Hybrid MOOCs on Students' Experiences and Achievements within Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study of Male Students in Majmaah UniversityAlanazi, Homoud Hadad
2009Examining the changing status and role of middle class Assamese women :lessons from the lives of university studentsBhattacharyya, Rituparna
2022Examining the effect of mitochondrial function manipulation in the development of cellular senescenceReed, Rebecca Anne
2022Examining the production and perceptions of public space in developing urban environment: an exploration of Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamVo, Nguyen Thien Thanh
2015Excretion of heavy metals from the biliary tract and its association with pancreato-biliary malignancySen, Gourab
1998An exemplary protestant :a study of the Myth of John Hewitt and its place within contemporary literary debate in Northern IrelandFerris, Sarah
2006Exercise and intestinal tumourigenesis in the Min mouseBasterfield, Laura
2023Exercise tolerance in ageing and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : from pathophysiology to a lifestyle interventionFuller, Amy Susan
2013Exercise, glucose control and liver fat :providing the evidence for translation into clinical careThoma, Christian
2016Exhumation : how creative writers use and develop material from an archiveWilkinson, Margaret
2023Exit through the crisis : essayistic futurisms and the expanded essay filmCoram, Jeremy David
2016Exome sequencing in rare neurological disordersSmertenko, Tetyana
2017Exosomal protein deficiencies : how abnormal RNA metabolism results in childhood-onset neurological diseasesGiunta, Michele
2012The exosome and human ribosome biogenesisSloan, Katherine
2021Expanding the scope of DNA compatible chemistry for the application within DNA encoded librariesHunter, James Henry